Moving the SmugMug footer to the bottom of the homepage on mobile

In cases when you are using the full-screen background slideshow or full-screen background image, and you don’t have any content below the navigation – the footer on mobile will appear in the middle or just below the MENU button.

Some of you are OK with this, but some of you would like to push the footer to the bottom of the page – on mobile.

CSS Code

You can do this by adding a CSS content block to your homepage and then by adding this code to it:

/*Moving SmugMug footer to the bottom of the page on mobile*/
@media screen and (max-width: 736px){
.sm-page-powered-by {
    position: fixed !important;
    bottom: 10% !important; /*You can decrease this value if you want for the footer to appear near the bottom*/
    width: 100% !important;


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